Call us: 13260692765 Email us: Welcome to the 2nd International conference on New Materials for Environment and Energy (NMEE 2024)


Humanity is facing major global environment and energy challenges that needs collaborative attention, discussion and action among governments, international organizations, universities, as well as creative individuals. NMEE aims to promote scientific information interchange of research advances and technologies addressing emerging trends and challenges for the generation of new ideas and establish research and/or business links for potential collaboration.

2024 the 2nd International conference on New Materials for Environment and Energy (NMEE 2024) will be held during October 23-25, 2024 in Kunming, China. NMEE2024 is organized by the Department of New Energy Materials and Devices of East China University of Science and Technology, China. On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to cordially invite experts and participants from academia and industry to participate in NMEE 2024!

NMEE welcomes high-quality, cutting-edge research on materials and technology for energy harvesting, conversion, storage, transport and utilization as well as cleaner environment, and particularly encourages original, novel fundamental, and engineering research of interdisciplinary nature across basic science and engineering disciplines in the areas of energy and environmental materials. All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed by at least 2-3 independent reviewers based on research novelty, technical excellence, or unique applications in the real world.


The Department of New Energy Materials and Devices of East China University of Science and Technology (华东理工大学新能源材料与器件教研室)


Shanghai Microscopical Society (上海市显微学学会)
Lanzhou City University (兰州城市学院)
Gansu Science and Technology Think Tank Alliance (甘肃省科技智库联盟)
Gansu Provincial Institute of Urban Development (甘肃省城市发展研究院)
Gansu Mining Area Pollution Control and Ecological Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centre (甘肃省矿区污染治理与生态修复工程研究中心)
Lanzhou Smart City Research Institute (兰州智慧城市研究院)
Academy of Eco Xi'an (生态西安研究院)


Prof. Weihong Zhu

中国科学院院士(2023年) Director, Institute of Fine Chemicals, East China University of Science and Technology Professor of Chemistry, Cheung Kong Distinguished Professor...

Prof. Xin Chen

Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology Expert of Shanghai Talent Plan, Director of Shanghai Microscopy Society Project...

Prof. Jiaqi Zhu

Professor of Harbin Institute of Technology, China Changjiang Scholars Endowed Professor...

Prof. Qingguo Feng

Researcher, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Special Expert of Sichuan Province

Prof. Ahmad Zuhairi Abdullah
Dean, School of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Engineering Campus, Malaysia

Prof. Shunli Wang

Prof. Shunli Wang is a Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Executive Vice President of Smart Energy Storage Institute, Academic Dean of Electric Power College at Inner Mongolia University...

Prof. Tianpeng Gao

Distinguished Professor of Lanzhou City University, Director of Gansu Mining Area Pollution Control and Ecological Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centre, Vice President of Gansu Provincial Institute of Urban Development...

Prof. Guoquan Qian

Professor of Lanzhou City University, Dean of Gansu Provincial Institute of Urban Development, Secretary General of Gansu Science and Technology Think Tank Alliance, Dean of Lanzhou Smart City Research Institute

Prof. Guohua Xie

Professor, The Institute of Flexible Electronics (IFE, Future Technologies), Xiamen University, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, German Humboldt Scholar

Prof. Dimitrios Karamanis
Professor of Alternative Energy Sources University of Patras, Department of Environmental Engineering, Greece


---2024.6.20NMEE2024 has been included in

---2024.6.11NMEE2024 has been listed at Academy of Eco Xi'an (生态西安研究院)

---2024.2.20NMEE2023 conference proceedings were indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus!

---2024.2.26NMEE2023 proceedings were indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.

---2024.1.22NMEE2023 proceedings were published online at

---2023.10.26NMEE2023 has been successfully held, official website:

---2023.10.09Welcome Prof. Guohua Xie from Xiamen University, Prof. Dimitrios Karamanis from University of Patras and Professor Karim RAGUI from Chinese Academy of Sciences, (IET-CAS), Beijing, China to continue to serve as NMEE 2024 Keynote Speakers!

---2023.09.08NMEE 2024 has been launched. Welcome to join us as keynote speakers, attendees and paper contributors!


Publisher: IOP Publishing
Publication: Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Online ISSN: 1742-6596 Print ISSN: 1742-6588
Index: Submit to Ei Compendex, Scopus, etc.


If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us.

Name: Email:


Kunming, as the capital of Yunnan province and one of the central cities in the southwest region, is a nationally famous historical and cultural city and an important national tourism and business city.

In the middle part of Yunnan, there is a lake that looks like a bright pearl on the plateau. It was called Diannanze in ancient times, and today is also known as "Kunyang Lake" because it's close to Kunyang. Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province situated on the lakeside, is a world-famous Spring City.

Kunming's downtown has an altitude of 1,891 m. It is surrounded by mountains and lies to the north of Kunyang Lake. It has a low latitude plateau mountain monsoon climate with long sunshine duration, short frost periods and an average annual temperature of 15 degrees Celsius due to the influence of warm and humid airflow from the Southwest Indian Ocean. Kunming feels like spring all the year round, and is thus called Spring City. From December to March numerous black-headed gulls escape the northern cold by flying all the way afar to Kunming.

Contact Us

Conference Secretary: Ms. Flora Zhang
Tel: 13260692765
QQ: 3484604642

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